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deerstore-papa-sideimgThe Deerhander™ has evolved over many years of experience and customer feedback.

Our product line includes a Grandpapa, a Papa, a Mama, a Junior, and a Baby version, so all types of deer farmers can find what they are looking for at Deerstore.com.

Look over the features and specifications of each version, and determine which would work best for you.


We purchased the Papa Deer Handler system last year just prior to beginning our AI program at the 3 AMIGOS RANCH. We had no problems with the equipment or the manner in which it works. We made some adjustments to fit our own needs, but the equipment is durable and workable.

Anthony J. Campagna, 3 Amigos Ranch


We installed one of the first Papa handlers in our facilities about 5 years ago and have worked thousands of deer efficiently through it. I have seen many, many facilities around the country, some with homemade or other manufacturers' handlers, but never have I seen any that work better than those with Deerstore products for ease of working deer with a minimum of stress. I always recommend that a floor scale be used in the setup for records and medication dosages. The common-sense approach to Deerstore working facility layouts and equipment is probably a result of Len's vast experience with Cervids and his willingness to listen to the needs of the deer industry and then incorporate them into his products. He is enthusiastic and passionate about our future, and in my opinion has made significant contributions to our industry.

Dick Cain, Trophy Ridge Whitetails, Saint Jo, Texas


Pierce Whitetail Farms strongly recommends the Deerhandler for handling your livestock (deer). We have been using the Deerhandler for over 10 plus years, for everything from vaccinations spring and fall, to AI'ing to TB testing to also cutting antlers in the fall and would not be without it.

Ronald Pierce, Pierce Whitetail Farms

The Deerhandler™ leads the deer farming industry!


Order your copy of our new E-Book

Proven Deer Handling 
Facility and Farm Plans.


Visit our online store to purchase it now!